Which Is Better: Organic Or Inorganic Vegetables?

Today everyone knows about life. From choosing a healthy lifestyle to trying the latest celebrity food, our health has become a priority. If you visit any supermarket, you will meet a section dedicated to organic food. Browse through any magazine, there will be a number of articles on organic food. The popularity of organic food is growing. You may wonder, ‘What is so special about healthy food, and how it is so different from the unnatural. To understand the difference between organic and non-organic it is important that we first know what organic and non-organic are.

The term “organic” refers to the process by which certain foods are produced. Organic foods are grown or grown without the use of synthetic chemicals, hormones, antibiotics, or pesticides. Although, non-organic foods are produced in a normal way that includes the use of synthetic chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides, drugs, etc.

Here are key differences between Organic and Unhealthy foods that will help you decide what is best for you and your family.


Organic fruits and vegetables look different from non-organic matter. They look very realistic and look like fresh fruits and vegetables in your garden with different shapes and colors. And they are stained and look imperfect. Non-organic fruits and vegetables look perfect because of the chemicals and synthetic fertilizers.


In general, organic food tastes better than non-organic food because it is produced naturally and the soil used is nutritious and free of organic matter. Making organic fruits and vegetables is very focused on maintaining flavor. If you eat organic, prepare to enjoy the taste and freshness. Not to mention, it smells and is better than non-organic vegetables and vegetables.


Organic fruits and vegetables are healthier and healthier than non-organic foods. Organic foods have more vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and micro nutrients than commercially grown foods because the soil is nourished through sustainable farming processes. On average, organic foods provide 21% more iron, vitamin C 27% more, 29% more magnesium, and 13% more phosphorus than commonly grown fruits and vegetables.

It is in harmony with nature

Some people prefer organic because it is sustainable and natural. Organic farming methods are designed to help the environment by reducing pollution and conserving water and soil quality. Choosing to eat healthy fruits and vegetables is not only beneficial but also good for the environment.

Health benefits

In the case of non-organic fruits and vegetables, pesticides and chemical fertilizers are used to increase production. These chemicals have been proven to cause many diseases and can pose a serious health risk. On the other hand, organic fruits and vegetables have a higher nutritional value than non-organic foods as they are grown naturally. Eating healthy foods will improve the immune system and prevent premature aging.

Pesticides and chemical fertilizers

This is the obvious difference between healthy and unhealthy foods. Organic farming methods do not use conventional methods to fertilize or control weeds and pests. For organic farming, farmers use organic fertilizers such as manure or compost, to feed the soil and crops and to control weeds through crop rotation. And sometimes in stores, colors and preservatives are often added to look ‘new’ and ‘new’. In the case of non-organic farming, chemical fertilizers are used to promote plant growth and to spray insecticides to reduce pests and diseases.


Organic products are usually more expensive than non-organic. Higher prices are due to more expensive farming methods, stricter government regulations, and lower crop yields. It is also expensive because it is organic farming because requires a lot of labor and management.

Trending or not, it is clear that organic food will survive due to the countless health benefits. Although it is more expensive than non-organic matter, you can still get it by simply growing your own organic fruits and vegetables. This way you will be saving money without compromising your health. Organic farming at home is easier and hassle-free than you think. From planting to year-round care in your natural garden. Enjoy healthy and healthy home-grown vegetables and fruits and make a difference in your life.