What Does “Immunocompromised” Mean?

What Does immunocompromised Mean

A weak immune system is referred to as immune compromisation. When your immune system is compromised, your system struggles to battle viruses, bacteria, and fungi. This could result in severe illnesses and pose a significant health risk. Immunocompromised implies that your immune response is not operating correctly. This could be brought on by hereditary or other medical disorders. Immunocompromisation occurs when your immune system is weakened and therefore unable to prevent disease as a consequence of ailments or medical interventions. Immunodeficiency is another term for immunocompromisation. ‌

Immunodeficiency Types

Immunodeficiency that you are conceived with is known as primary immunodeficiency. Immunodeficiencies like this can be passed down through the family. It could also happen on their own.

A secondary immunodeficiency, on the other hand, is caused by another factor. This could be a sickness such as HIV. It might also be the result of abuse or a procedure that destroys the spleen.

The adaptive immune system is affected by the majority of immunodeficiencies. Immunodeficiency, on the other hand, could impair innate immunity.


If you are getting treatment or getting therapies that will reduce or damage your immune system, your physician will let you know. You’re more prone to fall sick if you have a poor immune system than some other individuals. It’s also more probable that if you do fall sick, you’ll have complications. A sickness that is insignificant in the eyes of others could be deadly to you. An ordinary cold can quickly develop into influenza. You may observe the following signs and symptoms: ‌‌

  • Infections or diseases that occur frequently Infections that keep coming back and don’t respond to medicine are common.
  • severe illness caused by a common virus, including sinus and lung infections
  • fever\schills
  • slimming down
  • Children’s growth is slowed by chronic diarrhea.

Immune deficiency comes in various degrees. A few people just take longer to recover from routine diseases, while others should be shielded from disease exposures at all costs, as even a very minor ailment could put their lives in jeopardy.


Immunocompromised people can be caused by a variety of factors. The following are a few of the most prevalent:

CVID (common variable immunodeficiency) is a condition in which your body does not produce enough infection-fighting molecules. As a consequence, the body has difficult time-fighting viruses and germs, making persons with CVID more vulnerable to ear, sinus, and respiratory problems.

HIV leads the immune system to become self-destructive. Because CD4 T cells are eliminated as HIV develops, your immune system becomes increasingly weakened. Such cells are a type of white blood cell which plays an important role in disease prevention. As a result, any illness that enters the body is vulnerable to the system.

Diabetes is not a condition that causes immunocompromisation within itself. High blood sugar in Type 2 diabetes, on the other hand, has a detrimental impact on the immune system, making diabetics more susceptible to infection, according to a study released in Current Diabetes Reviews. The same can be stated for Type 1 diabetes which is inadequately managed.

Transplantation of organs Immunosuppressants is given to patients receiving organ transplants to prevent immune cells from rejecting the donation. These medications have the potential to cause long-term immunocompromised states. Immunosuppression can occur in patients receiving kidney transplantation in the initial few weeks due to a lack of white blood cells.

Aging the immune system’s capabilities deteriorate as we get older. Immune tissues (lymphoid tissue) diminish with the age, as do the amount and function of white blood cells.


  • Participating in sports and training daily can enhance your immune function and assist your ability to fight every day.
  • Have enough sleeping: Research found that sleep deprivation renders you more vulnerable to infections and diseases, so sleeping is incredibly significant for immunocompromised persons.
  • For immunocompromised patients, hygiene is essential. According to a study, they must wipe their hands regularly and properly, completely avoid touching their faces, and sanitize surfaces in their houses that they constantly touch, particularly if such surfaces are common with others.