Types of Doctors
There are two significant categories of doctors, namely primary care and specialists. When you have an ailment, you will first need to see your primary care physician for an initial diagnosis. If the primary doctor cannot diagnose the problem or needs further analysis, he/she would refer to specialists.
Within the primary care realm, these are common types of doctors, namely family care physicians, dentists, internal medicine doctors, pediatricians, and gynecologists.
Under the specialist’s category, there are different kinds of doctors based on a branch of medicine.
Health care system In the United States, millions of doctors serve the country in different branches of medical specialties. Typically, aspiring students have to go through a 4-year graduate program from an accredited medical school after finishing college. Then, the graduates must complete the residency training program for about 3-7 years depending upon the specialization.
An allergist is a health professional who specializes in diagnosing and treating asthma, genetic diseases, autoimmune diseases, allergies, food or medications, and related illnesses. In addition, the allergist is also trained in determining the factors that cause such infections.
Anesthesiologists play an important role in pain management. As their name suggests, anesthesiologists are doctors who specialize in anesthesiology or anesthesiology in patients during surgery. Before (most) surgery anesthesia is given to relieve pain or sedation during surgery. A pain management specialist is a medical doctor who assists patients in managing ongoing pain in chronic conditions.
Andrologists are equal to a gynecologist; are concerned about helping their male patients with urological, gender, and reproductive health that is different from men. Interestingly, unlike gynecology, which requires many medical board certification programs worldwide, andrology does not have such requirements. Andrology has only been studied as a distinct specialty since the late 1960s.
Cardiologists are medical professionals who diagnose and treat cardiovascular diseases involving the heart and blood vessels. They also help their patients to learn about their risk factors for heart disease and to decide what treatment or procedure they should take. A pediatric cardiologist is a specialist cardiologist who treats and diagnoses heart problems in children. Cardiologists who specialize in cardiac catheterization, angioplasty, and stenting treatment and diagnosis are commonly referred to as Interventional cardiologists.
Cardiac Electrophysiologist
A cardiac Electrophysiologist (EP) is a cardiologist specializing in the cardiovascular system that includes treating heart rhythm issues such as atrial fibrillation. Cardiac electrophysiology is considered a branch of cardiology and internal medicine (only since the 1970s) in many countries, and usually requires 2+ years of internship training after normal cardiac relationships.
Dermatologists and health professionals primarily focus on diagnosing conditions associated with the skin, hair, and nails. This type of doctor treats various skin diseases such as acne, skin cancer, and over 3000 skin conditions. In addition, they can offer you a few treatments that cover everything from acne treatment to anti-aging procedures.
The dietitian specializes in nutrition and diet management, also known as dietetics. The dietitian recommends nutritious foods based on the patient’s health conditions (such as eating disorders) and individual needs. Emerging students who want to become a dietitian must complete medical degrees and obtain licenses to diagnose, diagnose, and treat nutritional malfunction.
Emergency Room (ER) Physician.
Paramedics care for patients who receive immediate medical attention such as serious illnesses or injuries and can take drastic measures to stabilize the patient. An emergency physician specializes in advanced cardiac support techniques such as resuscitation, vital signs, care for trauma and fractures, and monitoring of other life-threatening conditions.
An endocrinologist is a physician in the field of internal medicine, who diagnoses diseases affecting the endocrine system that is responsible for secreting and controlling body hormone levels. Reproduction Endocrinologist treats women and men with infertility problems.
An epidemiologist examines the causes and patterns of disease in people or places, and he or she makes efforts to prevent the spread of epidemics/epidemics. They are more scientists than doctors who specialize in more serious epidemics (such as new diseases) and provide or improve the treatment and vaccination of vaccines.
Family Medicine Doctor
Family medicine practitioners are experienced and able to treat many medical conditions for patients of all ages. Those doctors provide preventive care to patients which includes annual checkups, periodic vaccinations, contraception, and antidepressants. Typically, a specialist in this field is a pediatrician and an internist integrated into one. They are also called hospitals.
As their name suggests, gastroenterologists are medical professionals who specialize in diagnosing and treating the gastrointestinal tract (digestive system) including the stomach, small and large intestines, pancreas, and liver. Gastroenterologists also perform various procedures on colonoscopy, endoscopy, ERCP, endoscopic ultrasound, and liver biopsy as well.
A veterinarian cares for the elderly. Because of the debilitating effects of aging and many health problems, the elderly need special care. The main difference between geriatrics, aged care, and gerontology, is the study of the aging process itself. There are different types of pediatricians within Geriatrics based on diseases in adults.
Hyperbaric Physician
Hyperbaric physicians are physicians who specialize in hyperbaric medicine such as hyperbaric oxygen supply (HBO – higher Oxygen pressure than we see in the surrounding air) for the treatment of conditions such as depression and carbon monoxide poisoning from fire.
Hyperbaric medicine combines the treatment of hyperbaric oxygen, which is atmospheric pressure to increase the flow of oxygen in the body.
A hematologist
A hematologist is a hematologist specializing in the study of blood, blood components, and blood-related diseases (sick cells). A general hematologist specializes in the treatment of blood diseases and malignancies, including types such as hemophilia, leukemia, lymphoma, and sickle-cell anemia.
A hepatologist is a specialist physician who specializes in the research, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases affecting the liver, gallbladder, biliary tract, and pancreas. The word hepatology is derived from the Greek word “hepatikos” meaning liver and “logia”, meaning reading.