Food safety tips for travellers

Travelers’ diarrhea and other infections can be caused by contaminated food or drinks, disrupting your trip. Travelers to some destinations are particularly vulnerable. Learn which healthy eating and drinking habits can help you avoid getting sick.

Safe vs. Dangerous Food

The following foods are generally safe to consume:

Hot foods include: The majority of the microorganisms that cause traveler’s diarrhea are killed by high heat. Cooked food that is presented steaming hot is usually safe to consume. Cooked food that has been allowed to sit at room temperature or in a warmer, such as on a buffet, should be avoided. While sitting out, it may become polluted.

8 Food Safety Tips When Traveling Abroad

Dry or packaged foods: Because most germs require moisture to develop, dry foods such as potato chips are usually harmless. Furthermore, food in factory-sealed containers, such as canned tuna or boxed crackers, is safe if not opened or handled by another person.

The following foods are potentially dangerous to consume:

Raw foods should be avoided. Fruits and vegetables may be safer to consume if they can be peeled or washed in bottled or sterilized water.

Avoid platters of cut-up fruit or vegetables. They could have been polluted during the preparation process.

Fresh salads should be handled with caution. Because some germs on salad greens cannot be wiped away, they are more likely to cause illness. Additionally, shredded or finely chopped veggies offer a large surface area for germs to thrive on.

Food safety tips when travelling – BonAppetour

Fresh salsas and other sauces or condiments made from raw fruits or vegetables should be avoided.

  • Be cautious while handling raw meat or seafood, particularly raw meat that has been “cooked” in lemon juice, vinegar, or another acidic liquid (such as ceviche, a dish of raw seafood marinated in citrus juice). They could be contaminated with bacteria.
  • Street food: Street sellers may not adhere to the same food preparation requirements or safety precautions as restaurants, such as handwashing and the use of thermometers. Take care when eating food from street vendors. If you decide to eat street food, practice the same food safety precautions as you would with any other food. For example, food that comes immediately off the grill, grilled and boiling, is more likely to be safe.
  • Bushmeat: Bushmeat refers to local wild game, mainly species that are not commonly eaten in the country. bats, monkeys, and rodents in the United States Bushmeat can be a cause of disease transmission from animal to human, such as Ebola. Bushmeat should be avoided by travelers.
Food safety tips for travellers | Eufic

Safe vs. Dangerous Drinks

The following beverages are generally safe to consume:

  • Drinks from unopened, factory-sealed bottles or cans are safer than tap water; nonetheless, sellers in some countries may sell tap water in bottles “sealed” with a drop of glue to simulate the factory seal.
  • Carbonated drinks, such as sodas or sparkling water, are usually safe because the bubbles indicate that the bottle was factory sealed.
  • If you drink directly from a can, wipe off the can’s lip before it reaches your mouth.
  • Hot drinks

If given blazing hot, hot coffee or tea should be safe. It’s fine to wait for it to cool before drinking. Do not consume any coffee or tea. is served at room temperature or heated.

Avoid adding potentially contaminated ingredients to your hot drinks, such as cream or lemon. Because sugar is dry food, it is usually fine.

OSI Celebrates Food Safety Always During Global Food Safety Week - OSI

Consult a Doctor Before You Travel

Learn more about vaccines. Depending on where you’re going, you may require new or updated vaccinations.

Prescriptions should be kept on hand. Get enough prescription medications to last you the entire trip. If necessary, request a vacation exception to ensure that you have enough for the entire time you are away. Fill prescriptions for any prescribed special drugs.

Remember to include over-the-counter drugs. Bring over-the-counter remedies instead of relying on overseas medications (or having access to them) if you encounter gastrointestinal issues such as diarrhoea, heartburn, or gas. Consult your doctor for recommendations.

Health Tips: 10 food items to avoid while travelling | Avoid News – India TV

Pack Wisely

Keep hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes on hand. These can be used to clean your hands and surfaces.

Keep nonperishable food products (that aren’t liquids) in your carry-on. Although many airports provide healthy options, you never know when you will be able to eat again after you arrive at your destination. Pack extra nonperishables in your luggage if you are unsure whether safe options are accessible.

Bring a travel health kit, as well as your health insurance card. Put prescription medications in your carry-on. Check the TSA website to see what is permitted on planes.

Don’t be deceived by the apparent cleanliness of well-traveled parts of the world. When in doubt, avoid drinking tap or well water or anything prepared with it.

Maintain Your Vigilance

Don’t be deceived by the apparent cleanliness of well-traveled parts of the world. If in doubt, avoid drinking tap or well water or anything manufactured with it, including fountain drinks. Choose sealed, bottled beverages as your best bet.

Top 11 Travel Food Safety Tips - Fifty Plus Nomad

Reconsider your regular selections.

Even though you normally prefer specific foods and beverages at home, it is best to avoid some of your favorites on foreign travels to isolated locations. Limit your adventurous foodie excitement. While it may be tempting, avoiding food from the unknown street or roadside vendors will help keep you healthy. And, no matter how fascinated you are, avoid uncommon foods like a prepared monkey, bat, unusual wild animal, and bushmeat.