Ways to Reduce the Effects of Caffeine 

If you’re like most people, you look forward to the afternoon energy or early sun shine coffee drink for the tiny pick me up. But have you ever had one of those days where you had just a small too much? If your heart was pounding, your hands were fretting, or the body felt restless, you were probably wondering how to get the caffeine out of the system fast. While you could not metabolize the caffeine any faster, there is stuff you could do to manage these uncomfy side effects. It’s better to lessen the caffeine impact.

Caffeine could make us feel more alert and awake, but too much for too long could be bad for our health. Quitting caffeine to body reset and moving away from the lows and highs of caffeine probably be tough, but most people felt the gains of the caffeine-free life fair way fast. If you have just consumed too much, you could get caffeine out of the system, but that’s different from quitting caffeine for goodness. 

Eat protein-rich Meals.

Grab a bite to eat so there was something in the stomach rather than caffeine. Although more study is required, some people explore that eating a protein-rich meal or snack really supports counteract caffeine jitters. Munch on a handful of nuts or make an easier meal of whole-grain toast and eggs, for instance.

• Other good sources of protein include hummus, deli meat or nut butter, Greek yogurt and avocados.

• You might observe that the effects of caffeine are worse if you consume it on an empty stomach, so any snack is much better than none.

Meditate or take deep breaths.

Focusing breathing exercises could lessen anxiety. If you feel nervous and the heart is racing, you might feel panicked. Calming the mind and supporting slowing the body by taking deep breaths, doing yoga or meditating. After some time, you must feel a tiny more comfortable and relaxed as the body continues to break down the caffeine.

Caffeine overdose: Symptoms, treatment, and how much is too much?

Drinking extra water.

Staying hydrated could eliminate the excess caffeine from the body. To support getting the caffeine out of the system faster, drinking more H2o than usual. It would support you staying hydrated, too, which might support the side effects of too much caffeine.

• There is no specific guidance about how many glasses of H2o to drink per day since people also get fluids from meals we eat.

Taking an exercise break or Going for a walk.

Moving around and supporting you releases a little of the excess energy. Go for a short walk, take a run, or jump in the pool. If you do not have a lot of space or could not get out, do a few stretches.

• Although exercise would not get the caffeine out of the body faster, it could support you using up the pent-up energy.

• While it is quite normal for the heart rate to increase when you are active if you observe it suddenly increase to the rapid pace, stopping the exercise.

Drinking the electrolyte-replacement beverage.

Electrolyte-replacement drinks could prevented dehydration. If you have been experiencing these unpleasant side effects, your body might be dehydrated. To help the body recover and replacing lost electrolytes, drinking sports drink that has electrolytes or an electrolyte solution.

Taking this supplement if you normally have anxiety. L-theanine (amino acid) that you would purchase in supplementing format. Research has shown that if you take L-theanine with caffeine, the L-theanine could decrease the anxiety or jittery -inducing impact of the caffeine. To take it, swallow a single 200 to 100 -mg pill or stir dissolve a 200 to 100 -mg packet in the energy drink or coffee.

How to reduce the effects of caffeine - Quora

You would probably observe the effects for about 5 to 6 hours. Caffeine works pretty quickly once you consume it—you probably observe its effects within 20 minutes and it speaks about 2 hours later. While you could try strategies to erase the caffeine out of the system, it would work its pathway out of the bloodstream within 12 hours on its own.

Stopped drinking out caffeine at least 7 hours before sleeping.

Giving yourself a caffeine cut-off time if you struggled to fall asleep. It’s really tough to calm down and turn the mind off if you have caffeine in the system. To make it easier to fall asleep, try to stop drinking caffeine by earlier afternoon—few say around 2pm. This serves the body a lot of time to metabolize the caffeine so you are not alert as you try to get rest.

Cutting back on caffeine fast in the future.

If you observe that even a tiny caffeine keeps you too jittery, alert, or awake, begin drinking decaf. To make the transition smoothened, alternate between regular coffee and drinking decaf. Then, I began drinking decaf more often.