Standing too much at work can double your risk of heart disease

Heart disease is an umbrella term that covers a variety of cardiovascular conditions, including arrhythmia, blood vessel diseases, coronary artery disease, infections of the heart and congenital heart defects. Although heart disease is a serious condition, there are few plain steps that you could take to lower the risk of developing heart disease, like eating a heart-healthy diet, staying active, managing stress, and quitting smoking. Few factors are beyond control, but you could support yourself from heart disease by taking charge of the factors that you could control as standing too much at work can double your risk of heart disease.

Assessing the Heart Attack Signs

Paying attention to the chest pain. Mild discomfort or chest pain in the chest, rather than sudden, crushing pain, is the most common symptom of the heart attack. The pain might feel like a heavy weight on the chest, a tightness or squeezing around the chest, or heartburn/indigestion. 

During a heart attack, you might feel pain, pressure, a squeezed sensation or an emotion of fullness in the chest.

Be conscious of other symptoms. Chest pain might be accompanied by other symptoms that indicate you are experiencing a heart attack; however, many humans, in fact, have a heart attack with tiny to no chest pain. If you experience the following symptoms – particularly if they accompany chest pain – seeking medical attention as per Standing too much at work can double your risk of heart disease.

Know the heart attack signs in women. The most common sign of the heart attack for both women and men is chest pain. However, women (and few men) might suffer a heart attack with some mild chest pains, or without chest pain experiencing at all. Women – as well as elderly humans and people with diabetes – are also more likely to experiencing the following symptoms of the heart attack, with or without chest pain:

React fast to symptoms. Most heart attacks construct themselves slowly, rather than suddenly strike the victim; many humans do not realize they are experiencing a major medical emergency. If you or somebody you understand experiences one or more of the common signs of the heart attack, seek medical attention instantly.

Take an aspirin or nitroglycerin, if appropriate. Many Humans could gain from taking an aspirin at the heart attack onset. You must take one tablet instantly and chew it slowly while you wait for emergency personnel to arrive. If you have been prescribed nitroglycerin, taking one dose at the onset of a call to emergency services and heart attack as per standing too much at work can double your risk of heart disease.

Standing too much at work? You might be doubling your risk of heart disease  - ABC News

Getting Help During a Heart Attack

Seeking medical attention immediately. About 90% of humans who suffer a heart attack survive if they arrive at the hospital alive. Many heart attack fatalities happen as victims fail to receive swift medical attention, and their failure to do so is often caused by their own hesitation to act. If you feel any of the above symptoms, don’t try to wait them out. Calling 9-1-1 (or the country’s equivalent emergency phone number) to get help instantly.

Make Humans conscious that you might be having the heart attack. If you’re around family or out in public when you faith you might suffering from the heart attack, let people understand. If the situation worsens, your life might depend on someone giving the CPR, and you are more likely to get effective support if people understand what’s going on.

Minimize activity. If you can’t get to medical attention fastly, try to remain calm and do as little as possible. Sit down, rest and waiting for emergency medical services to arriving. Exertion could strain your heart and could worsen the damage causing by the heart attack.

Recovering from a Heart Attack

Follow professional medical advice after the hearty attack. When you survive a heart attack, it is necessary to follow the doctor’s advice for recovery, both in the days instantly following the over the longer term and occurrence.

Study says sitting for over 8 hours in office increases heart disease risk  (and simple tips to reverse the harm done by extended sitting) - Times of  India

Be conscious of changes in the outlook and emotions. It is pretty common for humans who have survived a heart attack to experience depression. Depression could stem from feelings of inadequacy, embarrassment, self-doubt, guilt over the previous lifestyle choices, and uncertainty or fear about a future.

Prolonged Standing Can Double Your Risk of Heart Disease - Occupational  Health and Safety

Know the risks of the second heart attack. If you have a heart attack you are at a higher risk of a second heart attack; nearly one-third of the heart attacks in the US each year occur to humans who have survived a previous attack. The following factors would put you at a high risk of the second heart attack.

Make changes in the lifestyle. Medical complications from an unhealthy lifestyle put you at a good risk of the second heart attack. Inactivity, obesity, high cholesterol, blood sugar and stress, blood pressure, and smoking all increase the risk of a heart attack.