Nurturing Mind and Body Ayurvedic Self-Care Rituals You Can Do at Home

Ayurveda is a holistic and natural system of medicine that originates in India thousands of years ago. It aims to reach a balance between your body, mind, environment and spirit. This cleanse involves following a particular diet for 3 to 21 days to detoxify the body. Read on as we explain what the how to do one and Ayurvedic cleanse is. Plus, we would take you through the benefits and risks to support you and decide if it’s right for you.

Things You Should Know

• An Ayurvedic cleanse focuses on detoxifying the body and promoting spiritual, physical, and mental health. Begin with a 3-day cleanse if this is your foremost time.

• Making time for self-care during a cleanse, including yoga and meditation, and reintroducing meals slowly once you finish the cleanse.

An Ayurvedic cleanse aims to detoxify the body and promote well-being.Originate in India 5,000 years ago, Ayurveda is one of the older medical systems in the globe. Its aim is to attain balance between the spirit, mind, and body through a particular diet and practices such as yoga and meditation.

Wake Up Before Sunrise

Earlier to bed and earlier to rise is not just a quote. Its true benefits and meaning date back thousands of years, as saints suggested.and Bharata’s ancient Yogis.

Before sunrise during the Brahma Muhurta is advisable, eat dinner three hours before bed, sleep before 10 pm, and wake up at least 90 minutes.

Brahma Muhurta is the timeline when the sun is yet to rise. This timing is supposed to be the hour of full consciousness and is ideal for strengthening the connection with your inner self.

Oil Pulling

Oil Pulling in Ayurveda is the ancient health care practice that supports eliminating toxins from the body, whitens teeth, supporting managed cavities, keeping bad breath and unwanted bacteria away, and managing receding gums.

Its optimistic effects make it a great oral healthcare method.

To practice oil pulling, a comfy herbally infused oil like Arimedadi oil, is swished into the mouth and then pulled across the mouth aggressively to reach all the possible spaces in the oral cavity thoroughly. Practicing oil pulling regularly for 25 minutes for awesome results.

Ideally, it must be done before brush up your teeth.

Abhyanga and Nasya - 2 Ayurvedic self-care practices ...

Brushing and Tongue Scraping

The need to keep our tongue and teeth clean has been known to mankind for thousands of years. From multi-bristle toothbrushes to datun, everything could support keeping the mouth and teeth healthy. However, it’s important to clean /brush the teeth and scrape the tongue before eating anything.

Numerous modern toothbrushes coming with the tongue scraper/cleaner tool you could use. If your toothbrush does not have a tongue cleaner, purchase a copper tongue cleaner and apply it regularly.


It is a ritual of Ayurveda for keeping concerns, such as nasal congestion, allergies, headaches, rhinitis, and other similar infections, at bay.

After brushing your teeth, you can do Nasya for the awesome results. Lie on the bed with the pillow under the head and pour two or one drops of oil into the nostrils. Once the oil is inside the nostrils, take a big spit and sniff it out when the oil reaches the throat.

Head Massage

For a peaceful mind and healthy hair, a head massage is always suggested in Ayurveda. Neelibhringadi keram is one of the most influential hair oils that help maintain healthy hair, boosts hair growth, and can delay the early onset of male pattern baldness and grey hair.

For good results, it’s advisable to massage the head four times a week before taking a bath.

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Physical Activity: Yoga

Ayurveda and Yoga have a great connection. In fact, for thousands of years, Yoga has been an integral chunk of the Ayurvedic lifestyle. Plus, it’s a physical exercise known to maintain good health and manage emotions throughout the year.

To begin your Yoga practice, you could either refer to applicable YouTube channels that offered Yoga classes and hold sessions every day or join a local Yoga group closeby you.

This would support increase, keep a healthy metabolism, body flexibility, and strengthen your muscles, and might support elevating emotional well-being.

Refine Your Diet

Our diet impacts our health. To keep yourself healthy, having a balanced diet with necessary nutrients across all the meals is crucial.

As per Ayurveda, a daily routine diet must be such that the Kapha, Vata, and Pitta in the body are optimized.

Also, Ayurveda suggests a clean diet, with minimum to no processed and fried food items. One could consult an Ayurvedic physician for the customizing Ayurvedic diet plan.

Apart from that, certain Ayurvedic supplements like Brahmi pearls, Chyawanprash, and Ashwagandha Sparkles could cover for keeping you healthy.