How to Bring Magic into Your Life Using Candles

How to bring magic into your life using candles

When you dress up the candle, you would delight it and inspire it with energy. Dressing spell candles is a sacred culture that supports you to connect with the Universe to attain the desires. We would guide you through the procedure of dressing candles and performing candle magic. Designing their own special ritual here to lit up the heart and igniting the soul!

Select the spell candle that is calling to you.

Let the heart guide you to the candle that matches up the requirements. Browsing through the selection of spell candles and making a newest purchase based on intuition. Alternatively, tune into the natural psychic desires to pick out the candle from their own collection. If it supports, considering the traditional meanings connected with the colors of spell candles-

• White candle magic: transitions, Protection, serenity

• Black candle magic: invisibility, Calmness, restoration

• Gray candle magic: Peace, Balance, neutrality

• Purple candle magic: Power, Intuition, wisdom

• Orange candle magic: Confidence, Pride, success

• Pink candle magic: glamour, Care, self-love

• Red candle magic: ambition, Passion, courage

• Yellow candle magic: concentration, Intellect, learning

• Blue candle magic: guidance, Patience, truth

• Green candle magic: wealth, Growth, luck

• Brown candle magic: earthiness, Stability, practicality

• Gold candle magic: liveliness, Longevity, radiance

Select a spell to banish negativity or manifested positivity.

Attract what you keen desire or protect yourself against what is holding you back. Traditionally, black candle magic is utilized to banish spells—black candles are quite known to absorb false energy and protect you from harm. However, any candle you selected could work for the spell, regardless of its color. Reflecting on what you want to be righteous now or what you do not want in life. Then, I planned out the best spell for the requirements.

• Traditional spell: Banished toxic buds with the black candle.

• Alternative spell: Developing the desirability with the black candle.

• Traditional spell: Explore inner peace with the white candle.

• Alternative spell: Dazzling an opponent with the white candle.

• Traditional spell: Attracting wealth with the green candle.

• Alternative spell: Resisting greediness with the green candle.

• Traditional spell: Drawing in faith with the saffron candle.

• Alternative spell: Blocked out self importance with the orange candle.

Setting the intention to announce the desire.

Telling the candle what you were seeking so it could serve you. Once you have connected a meaning to the spell candle, saying the affirmation that connects to it. When you put the wishes or hopes into concise or clear language, both the candle and the Universe would take the message sincerely. To make certain they hearing you, declaring powerful phrases like these:

• With the pink candle, I would heal myself with self-love.

• With the purple candle, I should develop psychic abilities.

• With the red candle, I would infuse my relationship with passion.

Dream up the ritual that motivates you and ignites the soul.

Free the imagination—the ritual could have as numerous steps as you love. If you were carved simplicity, you probably selected to lit up the candle and announced the purpose. However, you might prefer a much more detailed ritual. For example, you might wait til the Harvest Moon, wear green clothes, and develop the altar decorating with the gold coins to cast a candle spell that attracts wealth.

• Match the clothes to the candle to amplify an intention.

• Add on framed pictures or the vision board to the altar to manifesting dreams.

• Tracking the phases of the Moon to profit from lunar magic.• Making the magic circle out of blackened salt to boost protective spells.

Cleanse the space before the ritual.

Purify the zone to eliminate some potential false energy. To smudge a space, lit a smudge stick and utilize its smoke to banish some outside forces. Once you had finished the cleansing ritual, the candle could connect with you. Instead of some other influences, only the inner power and intention would influence the spell.

Blessed the candle with the sacred symbols.

Watch the flame to explore the special sign.

See how the candle’s flame looks to detect the unique message. When you were searching for clues in candle flames, you were practicing divination—a manner to seek knowledge utilizing fire. Experiment with the fun craft by paying attention to divination signs like these-

• Jumping flame: the spell was full of energy.

• High flame: Your wishes would come true soon.

• Weak flame: You should overcome hurdles to reach the aim.

• Blue flame: Helpful forces, such as angels, are on the side.

• Split flame: A newest entity, like the ancestor’s soul, had entered the space.

• Crackling flame: A guardian, like the spirit guide, wanted to speak now.

• No flame: Try the spell again at another time.

• Curled wick: Your candle spell-like way works exactly as planned.

• Quick burning wick: You would enjoy a fast but shortened-lived result.

• Slow burning wick: You would be required to wait for the awesome outcome.