In the whole world for men the highest speed was set by Usain bolt which was 9.58 seconds for 100 meter sprint and till now no one has broke his this record hence we can consider this speed as highest speed at which human can run notably men.
And on the other side in women area Florence Griffith Joyner has made a record of 10.49 seconds for 100 meter rate so for girls we must consider this as a highest speed at which women can run as of now and till someone breaks her records.
Experts think that the quickest runners, or top sprinters, would be those who run efficiently, or spend a fraction of the energy per unit distance covered. Muscle fiber density, age, sex, as well as other anthropocentric characteristics all influence this capacity. Young males are the fastest of the best runners.
A runner’s potential speed is also impacted by bio mechanical characteristics, which are controversially assigned to the gait cycle. Smaller ground contact duration’s, lower stride frequency, longer swing period, bigger stride angles, and longer steps are suggested to affect a person’s velocity.
Everyone in short has different abilities it differs person to person and depends on enormous factors.
How to be a fast runner ?
Running uphill improves the legs of the runner. When running on a flat road, it truly works the legs and makes the athlete faster. Hilly terrain necessitates more efficient operation. It’s similar to sprinting on a track, but it really is safer because the body is in good form while climbing up a hill, so there’s much less risk of damage.
Strength training is also needed to raise the average speed. Running is a total-body exercise. Running requires a strong core to maintain appropriate form. Pumping back and forth with the arms makes the runner go faster. Resistance training aids in the strengthening of the body. It strengthens muscles that aren’t being used as much during running.
It’s difficult not to fly out from the gate, trumpets screaming with enthusiasm, once you’ve set goals for oneself. Some athletes experience results in as little as a few weeks, while others may take up to 16 weeks to observe a change in their pace. As a result, don’t increase your weekly mileage too rapidly, and don’t try to undertake intense speed sessions if you haven’t done them before. The usual rule is that you should raise your marathon pace by 10% per week. When it comes to speed work, aim to fit one to 3 days per week into the schedule when you just begin so that your body can adjust.