Can wearing Contact Lenses harm your vision?
Contact lenses are quite safe to wear. Even so, if you use contact lenses for too long, don’t cleanse them correctly, or don’t change them as prescribed by your eye specialist, you risk damaging your eyes.
The US Food and Drug Administration regulates contact lenses since they are recognized medical devices (FDA). They can’t be bought without an expert fitting as well as a contact lens recommendation from a licensed eye specialist for safety concerns.
Typically contact lenses come with a wear routine, which means you must only wear lenses for a certain amount of time each day. Most individuals are aware that they should not be worn when sleeping.
When using contacts, there seem to be a few other things to avoid. Exposing lenses to moisture, as well as forgetting to take the necessary precautions during specific sports activities, might pose serious problems.
It’s an individual preference whether keeping a good schedule and eliminating particular activities makes contact lenses too restricting for you. If you would not want to stick to a care routine, eyeglasses are generally safer and must be the first choice.
What are Contact Lenses?
To improve eyesight, contact lenses are small discs of glass or plastic which normally sit on the eye. Soft and hard, sometimes known as rigid glass permeability, are the two varieties.
The most common type of contact is soft contacts, which are constructed of soft plastic. As they retain more water and therefore do not impact the cornea, they are more pleasant than hard contacts.
Are Contact Lenses safe for kids?
Contact lenses are safe for children. Contact lenses can be tolerated by the human eye from an early age. Even toddlers are treated with lenses in some situations to help them overcome eye disorders such congenital nystagmus.
It also relies on how committed he or she is to using contacts safely and caring for them properly.
Overuse of contact lenses, particularly sleeping when wearing lenses designated during the day use only, increases the risk of contact lens-related eye disorders significantly.
In addition, your youngster must be able to insert and replace the lenses without trouble, as well as clean and sanitize the lenses it after every usage with proper contact lens supplies.
Also if your child is comfortable with glasses don’t force them to wear contact lenses against there will it might cause them irritation let them grow first.
Are Colored Contact Lenses Safe?
Although if your eyesight does not need to be corrected, you may wear coloured contact lenses. However, you would still require a prescription.
Selling coloured contact lenses with no prescription is against the law. However, some internet retailers and companies continue to do so. Your eyes may be scraped, scratched, or infected as a result of wearing such lenses. Colorful contacts can sometimes harm your eyesight and possibly cause blindness.
Nonprescription coloured contact lenses really aren’t one-size-fits-all, regardless what the packaging claims. Poorly fitted lenses can scratch the cornea, the clear outermost layer of the eye. Corneal abrasion and bruising can occur as a result of this. The dye might also cause a rough surface of the contacts inner side. Your eye may potentially get scratched as a result of this.
Search for contact lenses that have been approved by the FDA and are manufactured by a trustworthy company. Only do business with vendors who demand a prescription. Refrain from buying contact lenses from beauty supply stores, cosplay stores, or street vendors.
Types of Contact Lenses:
Soft Contact Lenses:
The most widely recommended contact lenses are soft lenses. It could be used to repair a variety of vision issues, such as:
- Myopia
- Hyperopia
- Astigmatism
- Presbyopia
Soft Contact lenses fits comfortably and are sipler to adjust despite rigid lenses as they permits gas entry.Soft contact lenses are available in a variety of styles, including:
Lenses for everyday use:
One-day contacts are only meant to be worn for one day. During nighttime, you remove and discard them. Other choices involve two-week throwaway lenses, monthly usable lenses, and biennial disposable lenses for particular prescriptions. Such lenses are typically removed every night for disinfection and sterilization.
Wear lenses for an extended period of time:
Certain soft contact lenses could be used constantly for up to 30 days, even whilst sleeping. This kind of lens wear, though, can result in problems such as dirt accumulation underneath the lens, corneal issues, or dangerous eye infections.
Contact lenses that are rigid and gas permeable
For those with typical vision impairments, rigid gas-permeable glasses give clear, sharp vision. Since you’ve tested soft contact lenses and weren’t happy with the outcome, or if you do have “dry eyes,” such contact lenses could be a good option.
Soft contact lenses are less resilient than rigid gas permeable contact lenses. They’re also more flexible, enabling the cornea to receive more oxygen. Even though these contact lenses should be withdrawn at night for disinfection and sterilization, others can be worn for up to 30 days.
Rigid gas permeable contact lenses can take a couple of days or even to a few weeks to acclimate to.
Finding the ideal fit:
Visit your eye specialist for a full eye test and fitting prior purchasing contact lenses. A follow-up exam may be required after first week, 1 month, then six months, and afterwards once a year or two years.
What are the Complications of wearing Contact Lenses:
Oxygen Deprivation
Contact lenses decrease the concentration of oxygen that enters your eyes, resulting in oxygen starvation. Sleeping with them is not encouraged. The longer you wear them in, the less oxygen the eyes receive, that can cause pain, poor eyesight, and other complications.
Dry Eyes
Because contact lenses soak tears, they can cause dry eye. This might cause redness and itching in your eyes, and also corneal scarring. Dry eyes can be avoided by just not wearing contacts all day, utilizing moisturizing eye drops, and having regular rests.
Corneal abrasion can occur when a contact lens doesn’t really heal properly on the corneal surface and/or has irregular edges. Dirt, sand, and other particulates can collect in lenses, causing corneal injury. Bacteria and viruses can enter through abrasions, causing eye problems, impaired vision, and even contact lens impairment.
Ulcer in the Cornea:
A corneal ulcer is produced by an open wound triggered by an undiagnosed microbial, viral, fungal, or parasite infection. A corneal transplant is frequently the one and only way to recover eyesight after an ulcer causes permanent impairment.
Corneal Reflex Dysfunction:
If you’re in risk, such as from a flying object, the cornea reflex forces you to close your eyes. This reaction may be harmed by wearing contact lenses. In a possibly hazardous circumstance, your lids may not close quickly enough.
If contact lenses press against the eyelids, they can droop, resulting in scarring and contraction. When discarding contact lenses, continuously straining the lid might also be harmful. People may be unable to fully open the damaged eye in serious conditions.
So, by now you must be aware with all possible problems or complications that might occur because of Contact lenses after reading this article you must be aware of what to do and what not to so always be careful.