Bipolar Disorder

A human with bipolar disorder signs will experience activity levels, changes in mood, and energy that can make day-to-day living tough.
Bipolar disorder can cause severe disruption to a human life, but the impact varies between people. With appropriate support and treatment, many human with this condition live a productive and complete life.
Most individual undergo mood changes at few time, but those linked to bipolar disorder are more acute than regular mood changes, and other symptoms might happen. Some people experience psychosis, which includes paranoia and delusions.

Bipolar Disorder


  • impaired judgment
  • feeling wired
  • sleeping less but not feeling tired
  • a sense of boredom or distraction
  • missing school or work
  • under performing at school or work
  • feeling able to do anything
  • being forthcoming and sociable, sometimes aggressively so
  • engage in risky behavior
  • increased libido
  • feeling euphoric or exhilarated
  • having high levels of self-importance, self-confidence, and self-esteem
  • talking a lot and rapidly
  • jump out from one subject to another in discussion
  • having racing thinking pattern that go and come quickly, and peculiar ideas that the individual may act upon
  • not realizing or denying that anything is wrong

Depressive symptoms

  • a feeling of hopelessness, gloom, and despair
  • extreme sadness
  • sleeping and insomnia problems
  • anxiety about small issues
  • physical problems or pain that do not respond to treatment
  • a sense of wrongdoing, which may be missing
  • eating less or eating more
  • weight gain or weight loss
  • extreme listlessness, tiredness, and fatigue
  • an incapacity to love activities or interests that usually offer pleasure
  • difficulty remembering and focusing
  • irritability
  • sensitivity to smells, noises, and other things that others may not observe
  • an incapacity to face going to school or work, possibly leads to under performance

Bipolar disorder symptoms in women

  • be recognized pretty later in life cycle, in her 20s or 30s
  • have mild episodes of insane
  • experience more depressive things than insane episodes
  • have four or more episodes of depression and mania in a year, which is denoted as  rapid cycling
  • experience other conditions at the same time including obesity, disease, thyroid,  migraines and anxiety disorders
  • have a bigger lifetime risk of alcohol use disorder

Bipolar disorder symptoms in men

  • be diagnosed early in life
  • experience more critical episodes, especially manic episodes
  • have substance abuse issues
  • act out during insane episodes

Manic symptoms in children

  • feeling overly happy and act very silly
  • talk fast and rapidly changing topics
  • having trouble concentrating or focusing
  • experimenting with risky behaviors or doing risky things
  • having a very small temper that leads quickly to outbursts of anger
  • having trouble sleeping and no tired feeling after sleep loss

Depressive symptoms in children

Symptoms of a children depression caused by bipolar disorder do involve:

  • acting very sad or moping around
  • sleeping too little or too much
  • showing no signs of interest in anything or having tiny energy for normal activities
  • complain about not feeling well, including having stomachaches or frequent headaches
  • experiencing feelings of guilt or worthlessness
  • eating too less or too much
  • thinking about possibly suicide and death

 Bipolar disorder in teens

  • being pretty happy
  • acting out or misbehaving
  • take part in risky behaviors
  • abusing substances
  • having trouble sleeping but not showing signs of being tired or fatigue
  • having a pretty short temper
  • having trouble staying concentrated, or being easy way distracted

For teenagers, the symptoms of a depressive episode involve

  • sleeping too little or a lot
  • eating too little or too much
  • showing little excitability or feeling very sad
  • withdraw from activities and buddies
  • thinking about suicide and death

Types of bipolar disorder

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar I disorder

For a diagnosis of bipolar I disorder:

  • The person should have experienced at least one manic episode.
  • The individual should have had a previous major depressive episode.
  • The doctor must rule out other defects, such as delusional and schizophrenia problem.

Bipolar II disorder

Bipolar II disorder include periods of paranoia, but depression is often the dominant phase. For a identification of disorder, an individual must have had:

  • one or more episodes of depression
  • at least one hypomanic episode
  • no other diagnosis to describe the mood shifts


Person with cyclothymia have episodes of depression and hypomania. These symptoms are less severe and shorter than the depression and mania caused by bipolar II or bipolar I disorder. Most human with this state only experience a month or two at a timeline where their frame of mind are stable.


Treatment includes a combination of therapies, including:

  • medication
  • counseling
  • physical intervention
  • lifestyle remedies

Drug treatment

Drug treatments do support manage symptoms and stabilize mood. A doctor will advise a merger of:

  • mood stabilizers, such as lithium
  • antidepressants
  • second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs)
  • anticonvulsants, to relieve mania
  • medication to support with anxiety or sleep

Lifestyle remedies

Some lifestyle choices do support maintain a steady mood. They include:

  • maintain a regular routine
  • following a varied and healthful diet
  • establish a regular sleep pattern and taking steps to prevent sleep disturbance
  • getting regular exercise

Psychotherapy and counseling

Psychotherapy do assist relieve symptoms and equip a individual to manage bipolar disorder.

Through cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) and other approaches, the person can grasp to:

  • identify and take steps to manage key triggers, such as tension, stress, declutter
  • recognize early symptoms of an episode and take measure steps to manage it
  • work on elements that assist maintain a stable mood for as long as possible
  • engage the help of family people, colleagues and teachers