Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is the pretty basic kind of dementia, where a individual judgement, understanding, thinking and memory declines.

There is no 100 percent prevention for Alzheimer’s disease, nor any proven method to prevent its onset. Treatment concentrate on support and managing symptoms to maximize a individual potential to carry out regular tasks and activities so that they maintain their independence for as long as possible. The condition is ultimately fatal.


•          Increasing age
•          Family history – a person who has a parent or sibling with Alzheimer’s is more likely to grow the disease
•          Down syndrome
•          Past History of a head injury
•          Irregular exercise
•          Poor sleeping habits
•          Obesity
•          High blood pressure
•          High blood cholesterol
•          Badly controlled type 2 diabetes
•          Long term exposure to solvents (e.g. glues and paints).

Signs and symptoms

Commonly Symptoms experienced during the earlier stages of Alzheimer’s disease involve:

  •      Light forgetfulness – especially short-term memory loss
  •      Mood changes, including anxiety and irritability
  •       Difficulty learning new things and processing new information
  •       Loss of spontaneity and initiative
  •       Confusion about place and time
  •      Communication issues
  •      Decline in potential to perform routine tasks.
  •       Memory loss influencing daily activities, such as an potential to keep appointments
  •      Trouble with friendly tasks, such as using a microwave
  •      Difficulty with problem-solving
  •     Trouble with writing or speech
  •    decreased personal hygiene
  •    personality and mood changes
  •    withdrawal from community, friends, and family people

As Alzheimer’s disease progresses the following symptoms may generated

•         Increased confusion and short-term memory loss
•          Difficulty recognizing buds and family
•          Feelings of restlessness and shorter attention span
•          Difficulty with numbers, reading, and writing
•          Ignoring hygiene
•          Loss of appetite
•          Personality changes (eg: significant mood swings, aggression)
•          requires increasing assistance with regular tasks.

Alzheimer Disease

Towards the at the tail end stages of the disease the following symptoms probably be experienced:

•            Not able to understand or use speech
•           Incontinence
•          Not able to recognize self or family
•          Severe disorientation
•          Increasing sleep time and immobility.

The changes brought about by Alzheimer’s disease can be increasingly difficult for family people and buddies as the individuals condition deteriorates, they lost their independence, and become not able to recognize dear ones.


A range of steps will be involved in reaching a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease:

•          Assessing a person’s psychiatric and medical history
•          A physical and neurological examination
•          urine and blood tests
•          Brain scans
•          Mental status assessment to explore the extent of mental deterioration
•          Caregiver interview to establish the level of dependency.


As there is no proper cure for Alzheimer’s disease, treatment concentrate to manage symptoms and supporting the individual and their family. This may involve:

•       Treating medical conditions that may contribute to physical decline or confusion eg: anemia or lung disease
•       Participate in stimulating activities to encourage the human to continue their usual activities as much as possible
•      Offering memory triggers and memory aids such as written reminders and calendars
•       Encourage social interaction to help prevent depression and feelings of loneliness
•      Do Contact support groups that may be able to offer caregivers /family assistance
•     Encourage a normal daily routine to reduce confusion
•     Not smoking.

Prevention Or Walk to end Alzheimer’s

•      Regular Exercising
•      Eating out a diet of fresh produce, healthy oils and food items low in saturated fat such as a Mediterranean diet.
•      Following treatment guidelines to manage high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes
•      Ask your doc for support to quit smoking if you smoke