Insulin is a hormone produced by your pancreas to allow cells to process glucose. If your body does not produce insulin or does not use it properly, you can take insulin produced to help control your blood sugar.
Many types of insulin treat diabetes. They are grouped into how fast they start working and how long the effects last.
Types of insulin include
Do it fast, which starts working in a few minutes and lasts a few hours
Regular or short practice, which takes 30 minutes to fully work and takes 3 to 6 hours
Moderate simulation, which takes 2 to 4 hours to fully work. Its effects can last up to 18 hours.
Long-term work, which can work all-day
How Do I Take It?
Many people inject insulin into their bloodstream through a needle and syringe, a cartridge system, or pre-filled pen systems.
The area in the body where you shoot can be important. You will absorb most of the insulin if you inject it into your stomach. The next best places to inject are the arms, thighs, and buttocks. Make it a practice to inject insulin into the same normal area of your body, but change the location of the injection itself. This helps to reduce scars under the skin.
Inhaled insulin, insulin pumps, and a fast-acting insulin machine are also available.
What type of insulin is right for my diabetes?
Your doctor will work with you to provide you with the type of insulin that is right for you and your diabetes. Choosing that will depend on several factors, including:
How you respond to insulin. (How long it takes for the body to absorb and how long it stays active varies from person to person.)
Choosing a lifestyle. The type of food you eat, how much you drink, or how much exercise you will have will affect how your body uses insulin.
You determine to give yourself several injections a day
How often do you check your blood sugar?
Your age
Your goals for managing your blood sugar
Your doctor may prescribe over one dose. You may need to take insulin more than once a day, set your daily dose, or add other medications.
Afrezza, a fast-acting inhaled insulin, is approved by the FDA for pre-meal use for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The drug goes up in your bloodstream for about 15-20 minutes and cleanses your body in 2-3 hours. . It should be used in combination with long-acting insulin for people with type 1 diabetes.
How Is Dosage Organized?
Follow your doctor’s instructions on when to take your insulin. The length of time between your shot and the food may vary depending on the type you use.
Generally, though, you should direct your injection with food. You want to set your shooting time so that the glucose in your diet gets into your system at about the same time that insulin starts to work. This will help your body use glucose and avoid low blood sugar reactions. In the chart on page 1, the “first” column indicates when insulin will start working in your body. You want that to happen at the same time as you pull out the food. A good time will help you to avoid low blood sugar levels.
Different in insulin use and time
Long-acting insulin is not bound at mealtimes. You will take detemir (Levemir) once or twice a day regardless of when you eat. And you will take glargine (Basaglar, Lantus, Toujeo) once a day, at the same time. Deglutec is taken once a day, and the time of day may vary. But some people should pair long-acting insulin with a short-acting type or other medication that should be taken at mealtime.
Fast-acting products can be taken immediately after meals, rather than 15 minutes before mealtime. You can take some of them at bedtime.
For more information on when to take insulin, read the “dosage and dosage” section of the insulin product package that came with your insulin product, or talk to your doctor.
Insulin Side Effects
Key include:
Low blood sugar
Weight gain when you first use it
Lumps or scars where you have been injected with too many injections
Swelling in the injection site or, rarely, throughout your body
With inhaled insulin, there is a chance that your lungs may suddenly develop if you have asthma or pneumonia (COPD).
Storing Injectable Insulin
Always have two bottles of each type you use in your hand. You do not need to refrigerate the insulin containers you use. A good rule of thumb is that if the temperature is comfortable for you, insulin is safe. You can keep the bottle you use at room temperature (no more than 80 F) for 30 days. You don’t want it to be too hot or too cold, and keep it out of direct sunlight.
Store your backup bottles in the refrigerator. The night before you are about to start using the new bottle, take it out and let it warm up. Do not let your insulin freeze.
Always check your insulin inside the bottle before injecting it into a sponge. Doing it fast, short, and certain types that take a long time should be clear. Some forms may look cloudy, but they should not have clumps.
If you are carrying a bottle, be careful not to move it. This creates air bubbles, which can change the amount of insulin you get when you inject it.
For insulin pens, check package inserts for instructions on keeping them
Storing Made Insulin
Check the directions on the package. You should keep the package sealed in the refrigerator until you are ready to start using it. If not, you should use it within 10 days.
You can refrigerate packages that you have opened, but allow the cartridge to heat up to room temperature for 10 minutes before using it.