Before you do take care of your new baby, you require to take care of yourself and your unborn kid. There’s a loads of advice out there. Much of it is common sense, but some things – like ignoring cat litter – might be news. Your first tip: As early as you suspect you’re pregnant, see your doctor and visit Pregnancy and Childbirth at some specialist.
- Do Take a prenatal vitamin
- Exercise to regular basis
- Pen up a birth plan
- Educate yourself
- Change your chores (ignore toxic or harsh cleaners, heavy lifting)
- Track your weight gain (General weight gain is 25-35 pounds)
- Get comfy shoes
- Eat folate-rich foods (fortified cereals, asparagus, oranges and lentils)
- Eat calcium-rich foods (soy, canned fish, dairy)
- Eat more fish (except those higher in mercury )
- Eat food with fiber
- Don’t eat soft cheeses (unpasteurized styles like feta and Brie may carry bacteria that cause pregnancy complications, fever, or miscarriage)
- Eat your veggies
- Eat five or six well-balanced meals every day
- But don’t overeat. You only require 300-500 additional calories per day. Keep a meal diary.
- Limit caffeine
- Drink plenty of fluids (six 8-ounce glasses of H2O per day)
- Do not drink alcohol
- Wear sunscreen
- Fly smart (avoid air travel if possible late and early in pregnancy)
- Ignore changing cat litter (to lessen risk of toxoplasmosis)
- Give in to cravings – sometimes
- Identify when to call up your doctor with concerns
- Don’t smoke; ignore second hand smoke
- Get sufficient sleep
- Wear your seatbelt
- See your dentist
- Do Take a pregnancy class
- Baby sit a buddy baby for few real-world experience
- Tour birth facilities
- Practice relaxation techniques daily (deep breathing, yoga, and stretching)
- Don’t overmedicate
- Exercise, but don’t overdo it
- Stretch before bed to ignore leg cramps
- Take a pic of yourself before the baby arrives
- Check out your practitioner before becoming pregnant.
- Start change your food habits to involve a healthy variety of meals.
- Exercise! Starting now will help you stay in shape during pregnancy, can lessen your risk of miscarriage, and has been verify to help eliminate labor complications and length.
- Eat a new vegetable you’ve never try out.
- Check out a book on pregnancy.
- Quit smoking. There are many programs to support you.
- Ask your loved one to join you on your new healthy habit changes.
- If you want a new practitioner, interview before you become pregnant.
- Ask your buddy about parenthood and pregnancy.
- Ignore chemicals that might possibly damage a developing fetus. Learn about the common harmful chemicals that might be lurking in your community, home, and work place.
- Brush your teeth daily and see your dentist before you get pregnant.
- Act pregnant. This involves not drinking alcohol, even while trying to conceive. There is no known safe phase during pregnancy and alcohol do cause birth defects.
- Announce your pregnancy when you are fully ready.