13 Reasons to Have a Glass of Water on an Empty Stomach

13 Reasons to Have a Glass of Water on an Empty Stomach

Drinking more water is the brilliant aim for overall health as the body wants water to function properly. Water is a calorie-free option to other beverages, so drinking much more water could support you to lose weight or maintain a healthier weight. Be on the lookout for manners to remember to drink more H2o. You could also increase the inspiration to drink more H2o by refining its flavor. To keep yourself on track, set goals for yourself to drink more H2o each day.

Remembering to Drink H2o

Do not forget to carry a H2o bottle with you wherever you go. Always having H2o on hand makes it easy to remember to drink it. Slip a reusable water bottle into the purse or car, and refill it regularly. Ignore chugging or taking huge gulps from the water bottle. Instead, take tiny sips throughout the day.

Reach a glass of H2o after the workout or in the hottest weather. 

It’s significant to drink more H2o any time you have been sweating like when you were exercising or after spending time in the hottest environment. Always keep a bottle of H2o on hand and take sips from it often when you are sweaty or hot.

Have a glass of H2o before and during food to lessen your appetite.

is often confused with hunger. Replacing the typical drink before and during meals with H2o, or at least having H2o to drink on the side. This would save you the money when you eat out and support you cut calories.

Alternatively between alcoholic H2o and drinking at bars or parties. 

Alcohol dehydrates you so it’s significant to drink H2o along with some alcoholic beverage you consumed. Try to have a glass of H2o after each alcoholic beverage to stay hydrating.

Setting the alarm on the phone to remind yourself. 

Try setting computer or alarm reminders that tell you to drink H2o once per hour, or deciding on some personal triggers to drink water. Triggered to sip H2o could be routine activities that you do all the timeline like

  • Make in or receiving the phone call
  • Stretched while you were at school or work
  • Hearing someone saying the name
  • Checking the email

Download a H2o drink app. 

There are apps that support you to track the H2o intake, like my Water Balancing, Regular Water. You could also track the H2o intake in food tracker apps. Record the intake every time you had a bottle or a glass of H2o. You could also keep the journal to keep track of the H2o you drink in. 

Infuse H2o with veggies, fruit, or herbs. 

Adding on flavor to the H2o is a regular manner to make it more appetizing. Some stuff you could add to flavor your H2o include:

  • Citrus fruit slices or wedges, such as grapefruit, lime, lemon, or orange
  • Fresh berries, such as blueberries, blackberries, raspberries or strawberries.
  • Cucumber slices
  • Ginger slices
  • Sprigs of freshened herbs like basil, mint, and rosemary

Try carbonated H2o for the fizzy option to flat H2o. 

This is a good alternative if you were a fan of fizzy drinks, such as beer or soda. Sparkling or Carbonated H2o provided all the similar gains as flat water. You could purchase flavoring sparkling water or add on their own flavor to sparkling water using lemon, cucumber slices, lime, or berries.

Adding ice if you love H2o water or leave it at room temperature. 

Drinking cold H2o might serve a slight benefit to the metabolism, but it’s not enough of a gain to make drinking cold H2o worth it if you do not enjoy it. Adding ice to the water if you prefer the flavor of cold H2o, or drinking the H2o at room temperature if you prefer it this manner.

Brew a cup of unsweetened coffee or tea twice or once per day. 

Drinking coffee or tea would count towards the regular fluid intake, so this is a good alternative if you love the H2o hot or warm. Tried having a cup of tea or coffee with breakfast to work towards the regular H2o intake goals.

Track the amount of H2o you drink every day. 

Keep a tally of the number of bottles of h2o you drink every day. This would support you to decide how much H2o you were drinking and figuring out if you might require to increase the intake.

Set an aim for how much H2o you need to drink every day. 

This aim is up to you since there was no righteous amount of H2o that you wanted to drink each day.

Increase the H2o intake slowly to ignore unpleasant side effects. 

Increasing your H2o intake too fast might mean you would have to pee more often than the usual, which could be uncomfortable and inconvenient.