Wholesome Living: Maintenance of health and treatment of diseases in Ayurveda

Following ways are explained in Ayurveda for the maintenance of health and treatment of diseases.

1. Nutrition and Diet

2. Regimen of Social and Personal Hygiene :- Seasonal regimens (Ritucharya), and Daily routine (Dinacharya) including healthy living environment and basic sanitation.

Our Diet

Diet plays a very significant role in our mental and physical health status. Many usual health issues can be treated and prevented by consumption of a good diet. The following requirement to be followed.

• Wash fruits and vegetables properly before the cooking timeline.

• Use grilling, steaming, boiling etc. as cooking methods.

• Increase locally available green leafy vegetables and seasonal fruits in the diet.

• As far as possible, eat freshly prepared meals. Refrigerating and Reheating tends to lose the nourishment and taste.

• Do eat when you feel hungry i.e don’t ignore mealtimes. Developing the habit of taking meals at usual intervals.

• Ignore overeating.

• Ignore eating too slow or too fast. Food eating hurriedly does not get digested properly, it does not give a fulfilling sense. On the contrary, one tendinge to eat more.

• Don’t drink too little or too much water since both hamper digestion.

• Drinking of lukewarm H20 helps easier passage of urine and motion, enhancing digestive power, minimizing the diseases related to delayed aging and digestive system.

• Don’t eat when the mind is unstable as you might eat less or in excess.

• Avoid fried foods, restrict intake of oil and ghee. Cooking the vegetables with minimum oil.

• Reducing sugar and salt intake.

• Ignore intake of aerated drinks (cola), fast/junk food (pizza, burger, samosa, Chips etc.).

• Increase intake of coconut water, milk, buttermilk, Lassi etc.

• Food must be taken after bathing, washing the hands, face and legs and without any disturbance.

What Is Ayurveda? A Guide to Traditional Ayurvedic Medicine

• While taking the food, one must not divert its attention to other stuff.

Tips to combating summer heat

There are certain measures that you take to combat the summer heat and stay comfortable and cool. Follow the guidelines

• Drink plenty of liquids like buttermilk, sugarcane juice, coconut water or at least 10 glasses of H2o a day.

• Eat lighter meals- ignore hot, spicy, oily meals and opt for foods higher in H20 content including fruits, buttermilk, soups and salads.

• While going out, wearing a white handkerchief or using an umbrella to block sun rays.

• Do outdoor work in the early sunshine or late time evenings.

• Take frequent showers and baths and apply sandal (chandan) paste to the body to cool the body.

• Wear out loose-fitting and light – colouring cotton kind of clothes.

• Smoking could constrict blood vessels and impair the potential to acclimatize to heat, so quit it.

The adverse effects of monsoon and how to combating them

• Ignore sleeping during the day time.

• Utilize clean drinking water ((cooled and boiled).

• Ignore too much exercise and move on about in the sun after a rain spell.

• Wear clean and light clothes and try to keep the room’s humidity devoid.

What Is the Ayurvedic Diet? Benefits, Downsides, and More

How to combat the winter cold

• During winter, digestive power becomes stronger and it could effectively digest heavy and huge quantities of meal. To satiate this, take plenty of meals. New cereals and Consuming milk as dietary staples.

• Massaging the skin with mustard oil is awesome during winter.

• Ignore cold foods.

• Eating plenty of seasonal fruits and green vegetables.

• Cream of Ghee/milk is good for cracked lips.

• Honey is a valuable good natural healer. Applying it over cracked lips after diluting it with double the water quantity.

Activities during spring (basant) seasoning

• Massage, exercise, and fomentation could be utilized.

Sadvritta (good conduct) – for social life

• Everyone is working for his happiness. Happiness must be shared with others. One must strive to have happiness for all. It is characteristic of the culture.

• One must exercise control on sensing organs.

• One must keep a handkerchief around the mouth and nostrils while yawning and sneezing to ignore the spread of infection.

• One must stop working before one is excessively tired.

• One must ignore addiction to tobacco, alcohol etc.

• Alcohol consumption: It is advisable to ignore any kind of alcoholic beverages. If alcohol is consumed in excess, it will cause liver disorders, burning, intoxication, and swelling etc.

Regular Exercise

• Making daily exercise a routine.

• Exercise for the minimum period of a few times. daily, which could be split into intervals.

• Forming a usual habit of using stairs.

• Include exercise in the routine work, developing a habit of walking e.g. to the workplace, market, Buds house, school etc.

Examples of simple and comfortable exercises

• Walking, dancing, jogging, swimming, cycling, playing sports/games.

• Mopping, household and gardening, chores-washing, Yoga Asanas etc.

Where must I found the time to exercise

• At home, at work or during free time.

• Combine gardening, shopping etc. with exercise.

• Taking steps instead of an elevator (upto 3 floors).

• Walking to closeby shop rather than driving.