How to Sleep Better: Pain Management, Natural Remedies, and Tips from a Doctor

When you have chronic pain, sleep disturbances or insomnia are rather typical. While pain might make it difficult to get a good night’s sleep, inadequate sleep can make pain symptoms worse. 

Learn how to establish a regular sleep schedule.

Chronic pain can cause sleep disturbances in a variety of ways, including difficulty falling asleep, frequent nighttime awakenings, early morning awakenings, and a lack of energy the next day.

Here are 5 little-known suggestions that may help you establish a regular sleep schedule if you experience any of these insomnia symptoms:

Eat things that might help you sleep

Including specific items in your evening meal may help your body produce more tryptophan. Tryptophan is a type of protein that is needed for the creation of the sleep-regulating hormone, serotonin. A shorter time to fall asleep, more comfortable sleep and improved morning alertness are all benefits of higher tryptophan levels. 3 Examples of such foods that encourage sleep include:

  • high-glycemic-index carbohydrates, such as rice.
  • fruits like kiwis and cherries.
  • such as milk, legumes, fatty fish, and shellfish are examples of whole foods.

Consult your doctor before making any dietary changes to verify that the new foods or supplements you try won’t have a negative impact on any current medical conditions or medications you might be taking. Moreover, think about avoiding meals and beverages like coffee, tea, and chocolates that can have a negative impact on your ability to sleep. These foods may interfere with your sleep cycle since they contain theobromine and caffeine.

Daily yoga practice

Yoga is a mind-body therapy that may aid with chronic back pain relief and sleep improvement through physical positions, rhythmic breathing, and meditation. It is recommended that you take yoga lessons from a certified instructor who can modify the poses based on your degree of tolerance and the underlying reason for your back pain. After you are familiar with the various yogic positions, you can practice them whenever it is most convenient for you at home. Inform your yoga instructor if you feel any pain or discomfort while performing a position.

Take a quick nighttime stroll.

A nightly stroll may help ease your discomfort and encourage better sleep if you work in an office, get a little exercise, have persistent lower back pain, and have trouble falling asleep. Your body temperature rises while you walk. Thereafter, as a result of the body’s heat-dissipating systems, this temperature starts to decline (such as increased blood flow to the skin). Your sleep cycle is therefore triggered as a result of the lowered body temperature. Moreover, walking could lower anxiety and improve sleep. By bolstering your back and abdominal muscles and improving lower back flexibility, incorporating an evening stroll into your daily routine may also help you reduce persistent lower back discomfort.

Breathe deeply and slowly to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Steady, regular breathing has relaxing benefits on the mind and body and may help reduce pain and tension, facilitating sleep. Studies indicate that taking a calm and deep breaths before bedtime will help you get to sleep faster and fall back asleep in case you wake up throughout the night. This type of breathing method also aids in synchronizing your heart rate and breathing pattern, which may aid in promoting deeper, restorative sleep.

Think about utilizing a sleep aid

Several over-the-counter products can assist encourage better sleep. Others can be consumed orally as tablets or capsules, while some are offered as tea bags for brewing. These are a few typical instances:

  • Valerian pills and chamomile tea are examples of herbal remedies. 
  • Cherry juice or tart cherry extract capsules are examples of fruit additional supplements. 14 Micronutrient Supplements: either magnesium or zinc.
  • Synthetic preparations: Melatonin pills or tablets 

Some people may benefit from these supplements by having better sleep that lasts longer and is of higher quality.

See Sleep Aids for Individuals with Chronic Pain

It might be worthwhile to try one or more of these obscure remedies if your chronic discomfort is keeping you from getting enough sleep. A process of trial and error will help you discover which alternative works best. Even after trying these suggestions, if you still have trouble falling asleep, talk to your doctor about prescription drugs or other medical treatments.

Reduce your intake of coffee, alcohol, and nicotine

Nicotine and caffeine both have potent effects on sleep. Both of these substances can lead to restlessness and sleeplessness. 

Caffeine-containing beverages include:

  • Soft drinks,
  • coffee,
  • tea

Caffeine can also be found in unexpected areas, such as:

  • Cold and flu remedies flavored with chocolate
  • Various over-the-counter medications
  • Alcohol can also promote overnight wakefulness.

Reduce your intake of sugar.

A brief burst of energy can be provided by sugar even. Uneven blood sugar levels may also result from it. As blood sugar levels fall during the night, it may impair sleep.