Most Common Causes of Mental Health Problems in Students

Mental health problems do start in students at a very younger age with fine symptoms noticeable only on closer observation. These mental health problems might manifest as students periodic outbursts, social struggles with peers, falling grades and might cause difficulty for students in speaking, playing, learning and to controll emotions. What appears to be characteristics of passing moods initially might be symptomatic of huger mental issues that become more evident in teenage.

Children's Mental Disorders | CDC

Mental illness is a general term for a group of illnesses that might include symptoms that do impact a person’s thinking, perceptions, behaviour or mood. Mental illness do make it tough for someone to cope with work, relationships and other demands. The relationship between stress and mental illness is complex, but it is well known thing that stress do worsen the episode of mental illness. Most people do manage their mental illness with counselling, medication or both. This blog shows out some of the more common mental health issues in students.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

The common symptoms of ADHD include short attention spans, too much talking, easy distraction, hyperactivity and constant interruptions. This disorder might hampering learning in teacher’s and students potential to maintain discipline in the classroom. Medication do curb the symptoms of this disorder, however many a times, these symptoms many signify the existence of another mental health disorders like bipolar.

Anxiety and Depression

Depression and Anxiety are the most usual mental health disorders in students. Students with anxiety might have lower attendance, struggle to finish their work, showing declining academic performance, fear newest experiences, or worried excessively about assignments, grades and homework. There might also be a sharpen fall in their interaction with their peers, motivation level and teachers. Tardiness, Loss of sleep, suicidal tendencies and lack of concentration are the symptoms of acute depression.

Depression is a mood disorder characterised by lowering of mood, enjoyment and loss of interest, and lessen energy. It is not just feeling sad. There are different kinds and symptoms of depression. There are varying layers of severity and symptoms connected to depression. Symptoms of depression do lead to increased risk of rough thoughts or behaviours.

Dissociation and dissociative disorders.

Dissociation is a mental procedure where a human disconnects from their memories, thoughts, feelings or sense of identity. Dissociative disorders include dissociative fugue, dissociative amnesia, depersonalisation disorder and dissociative identity disorder.

Eating disorders.

Eating disorders include bulimia nervosa and another binge eating disorders. Eating disorders affect males and females and do have sincere psychological and physical consequences.

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Traits such as repetitive behavior, inability to understand non-verbal language and visuals, social difficulty etc. are pretty usual in students with autism spectrum disorder. These symptoms might be present in students even in their primary classes and in severe forms.

Half of U.S. Children with Mental Health Disorders Are Not Treated

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Students with PTSD might suffer from significant mood swings, might act younger than their age and becoming behaviourally unpredictable. PTSD develops in students who have witness traumatic event or had a stressful childhood.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

OCD might lead students to have some persistent thoughts and frequent behaviours that they repeating on without any control. Because of inappropriate thoughts in classroom, extreme obsessions and compulsions, OCD might result in lack of concentration, distraction, dropping grades and incomplete schoolwork, making it extremely tough for students to perform.

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)

ODD makes students hostile, angry and false towards their peers as well as the teachers. They constantly blame others for errors and challenging the rules, hamper the decorum and learn environment of a classroom.

Conduct Disorder (CD)

Similar to ODD, students with CD challenge school rules, arguing with students, bullied them and pick up fights on small problems. They hide their own self-esteem problems with toughness, consistent liars, are undisciplined and are frequently absent from the classroom.

Paranoia is the persistent and irrational emotion that people are ‘out to get you’. Paranoia might be a symptom of conditions involving paranoid personality disorder, schizophrenia and delusional (paranoid) disorder. Treatment for paranoiad include psychological support and medications.


Humans affected by psychosis can experience delusions, confused thinking and hallucinations. Psychosis do occur in a number of mental illnesses, include drug-induced psychosis, mood disorders and schizophrenia. Psychological and Medication help can relieve, or even lessen, psychotic symptoms.


It is a complex psychotic disorder characterised by disruptions to think and a distorting perception of reality and emotions. Symptoms of schizophrenia vary widely but may include hallucinations, delusions, social withdrawal, lack of motivation, thought disorder and thinking and impaired memory. Schizophrenia is not at all the split personality.


If educators notice certain signs of mental disorders in students, the good they can do is to refer those students to mental health assessments and work with healthcare professionals, administrators, and family to aid the student.