Do crunches hurt your neck?These are the proper techniques.

Crunches that cause neck pain do not indicate that you are strengthening your neck muscles. It means that your form is incorrect.

The majority of people who do crunches report neck muscle stiffness and soreness. The reason behind this is that they perform the crunch with their upper body rather than the abdominal muscle. Ideally, when practicing crunches, you should lift the upper part of your body, including your neck and shoulders. Some people lift using more than half of their body. As a result, their head may lag, altering the typical curve of the spine and causing neck muscle pain. When practicing crunches, your spine should be straight from your lower back to your head should be in order If your head lags, you may have to exert more effort to raise it, which may cause neck pain.

Why Your Neck Hurts During Abs Exercises | SELF

How to Perform Crunches

First, a little primer on proper crunching technique.

A. Lie face up on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. To achieve a small posterior pelvic tilt, pull the lower back in and down toward the floor. To reduce neck pain, tuck your chin into your chest and lay your hands on your forehead rather than behind your head.

B. Engage abs and elevate shoulder blades off the floor slowly and with control. Pause at the height of the movement before returning to the starting position.

Tucking your chin toward your chest before and during a crunch can lessen muscular activity in your neck because it activates the hyoid muscles — which run from your neck to your shoulders to act as stabilizers, from your chin to your collarbone.

Here's How to Do Crunches Without Feeling Neck Pain | POPSUGAR Fitness

More powerful than abs equipment

It’s sometimes better to stick with the essentials rather than invest in flashy new things that may or may not function. According to research commissioned by the American Council on Exercise, classic crunch exercises stimulated the abdominal muscles more than items like the Ab Wheel and the Ab Circle Pro.

“Lying on the ground practicing the classic crunch is not appropriate for everyone. “However, for the normal individual who wants to strengthen his or her abdominal muscles, reduce back discomfort, and improve health, all you need to do is find a comfortable location on the floor, lie down, and repeat.”

Aids in Injury Prevention

Just as the core is crucial for everyday motions, it is also essential for avoiding injury during almost any other workout. “If I could change the world’s perspective on one thing, it would be realizing that every single workout is about your core.” Whether you’re pressing weight overhead, doing lateral raises, or doing something with heavy weights sitting on your body [think: hip thrusts], your ability to push more weight and do it safely without injuring your lower back is entirely dependent on your ability to fire your core appropriately all the way around.

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Muscles were worked via crunches.

Crunches, when done correctly, will target the rectus abdominis muscle, which is responsible for the “six-pack” look. However, if you do not use good form, the exercise can work your neck muscles. ′′Most people perform crunches from the upper body rather than the abdominal region, which trains your neck muscles in an unfavorable method. When doing crunches, keep the form guidelines above in mind to avoid activating your neck muscles. If done correctly, you should feel this move in your external obliques as well.


Variations on Crunches

Even if you’ve been doing crunches for years, it’s a good idea to double-check your form and make sure you’re not doing the exercise incorrectly. If you’ve mastered the workout and want to spice things up, try some crunch variants. (These will also assist you in working more core muscles and avoiding muscle imbalances.)Try reverse crunches to target the lower rectus abdominis as well as the transverse abdominis, or your innermost abs muscle. Adding a rotational lift to the top of your crunch will engage your oblique muscles (side abs) and abdominal wall.

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Common Crunches Errors

So, what can go wrong with crunches? Consider your spine to be a noodle: It might bend back and forth and around, yet the structure is always tied together in one fluid line. The exception is your cervical spine, which is the upper piece of your spine that spans from your shoulders to your head. Despite being physically linked, your head may move independently of the rest of that “noodle.” When you go to do a crunch, your head may lag, disrupting the perfect arc and putting strain on the supporting neck muscles due to gravity.

Crunches, when done correctly, will keep your spine in line from your lower back to your head. However, allowing the head to lag exposes your neck to tension. ′′Consider each disc between your vertebrae to be a jelly doughnut. “Jutting your head forward puts too much pressure on the front and squishes jelly out the back,” he observes. In the best-case scenario, this small compression causes mild discomfort, preventing you from performing enough reps to show your abs in the mirror. With enough pressure, however, this incorrect form can result in a bulging disc, which causes severe pain, numbness, and muscular weakness.