Different types of learning disorders and their signs

What exactly are learning disabilities?

Learning disabilities and learning disorders are catch-all words for a wide range of learning issues. A learning disability does not impair IQ or motivation, and children with learning problems are not lazy or stupid. In truth, the majority are just as intelligent as everyone else. Their brains are just wired differently, which influences how they receive and interpret information.

Simply put, children and adults with learning difficulties see, hear, and comprehend things in unique ways. This can make it difficult to learn and apply new information and abilities. Reading, writing, math, thinking, listening, and speaking is the most prevalent types of learning difficulties.

Each learning disability has its unique set of symptoms. A person with a specific impairment may not exhibit all of the symptoms of that disability.

Learning Disabilities and Disorders - HelpGuide.org

Children who are learning a second language may exhibit indicators of learning difficulties or a learning disability. The assessment of a learning disability must consider whether a student is bilingual or a second language learner. Furthermore, for English-speaking youngsters, the assessment should be sensitive to variances that may be attributable to dialect, which is a dialect of a language that is particular to a location or group.

Other sorts of learning difficulties and disabilities

Types of Learning and Developmental Disabilities

Learning impairments affect more than only reading, writing, and math. Other types of learning disabilities include challenges with motor skills (movement and coordination), comprehension of spoken language, sound discrimination, and visual information interpretation.

Motor skill learning disabilities (dyspraxia)

Motor difficulties relate to movement and coordination issues, whether they be with fine motor abilities (cutting, writing) or gross motor skills (running, jumping). Motor impairment is sometimes referred to as an “output” activity since it is related to the brain’s output of information. To run, leap, write, or cut anything, the brain must be able to communicate with the appropriate limbs.

Types of Learning Disabilities – Learning Disabilities Association of  America

Problems with auditory and visual processing: the relevance of the ears and eyes

The primary means of conveying information to the brain is through the eyes and ears, a process is known as “input.” Learning can suffer if either the eyes or the ears aren’t operating properly.

Auditory processing disorder – The capacity to hear well is referred to by professionals as “auditory processing skills” or “receptive language.” The capacity to hear correctly has a significant impact on the ability to read, write, and spell. The inability to discern minor distinctions in sound makes it difficult to sound out words and comprehend basic reading and writing principles.

Learning Difficulties - Lanc UK

Missing tiny variations in shapes, reversing letters or numerals, skipping words, skipping lines, and misperceiving are all symptoms of visual processing impairment depth or distance, or difficulty with eye-hand coordination The work of the eyes is sometimes referred to as “visual processing” by professionals. Motor skills, reading comprehension, and math can all be affected by visual perception.

Other conditions that impede learning

Difficulties in school are not necessarily the result of a learning handicap. Anxiety, depression, stressful experiences, emotional trauma, and other disorders that impair concentration make it more difficult to learn. Furthermore, ADHD and autism can co-occur or be misdiagnosed with learning difficulties.

Type Of Learning Disabilities - Signs And Reasons Of Disabilities.


While not considered a learning handicap, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can certainly interfere with learning. Children with ADHD frequently struggle to sit still, focus, follow directions, keep organized, and complete homework.


Difficulties in mastering specific academic skills can be caused by pervasive developmental disorders such as autism and Asperger’s syndrome. Children with autism spectrum disorders may struggle to communicate, read body language, master fundamental skills, make friends, and make eye contact.

Helping Children with Learning Disabilities - HelpGuide.org


Difficulties in mastering specific academic skills can be caused by pervasive developmental disorders such as autism and Asperger’s syndrome. Children with autism spectrum disorders may struggle to communicate, read body language, master fundamental skills, make friends, and make eye contact.

Learning Disabilities – Dyslexia.uk.com


Many individuals despise arithmetic, but with enough work, they can finally understand it. Dyscalculia is more severe because it is a learning problem that makes understanding even the most basic math concepts difficult. Children with dyscalculia might lag and struggle to catch up for years since math builds on itself.

Among the symptoms of dyscalculia are:

  • Having difficulty understanding concepts such as measuring, time, and estimating
  • Uncertainty about how to handle word math problems
  • Difficulty following the operation sequence
  • Having difficulty counting and grouping numbers together.


Dysgraphia is a learning condition that makes it difficult to write legibly. Some people with dysgraphia have difficulty speaking to comfortably handle a writing implement, while others lack the spatial awareness required to generate readable text.

The following are some dysgraphia symptoms:

  • sloppy handwriting
  • Writing is taking a long time.
  • Incorrectly holding a writing utensil
  • Struggling to articulate ideas in a logical sentence form
  • Incorrect grammar
  • While writing, you may find yourself speaking aloud.
Types of Learning Disabilities - carehome.co.uk advice


Although dyspraxia is a syndrome that affects a person’s motor abilities, it can also affect specific learning. Because a person with dyspraxia may be unable to hold a pencil or routinely contribute by speaking.

Dyspraxia mostly impairs hand-eye coordination abilities. Dyspraxia manifests differently in each individual, but some symptoms include poor balance and difficulty with fine-motor activities.