10 Tips for Building a Daily Meditation Practice

Numerous advantages of meditation include elevating mood, enhancing energy, and reducing stress. Everyone can benefit from this exercise, even those of us who feel uncomfortable sitting still. You only need a little guidance on how to develop your brain, and before you know it, you’ll be using your mind’s power to better your life even more.

Start early.

Attempt to do some morning meditation. By doing this, you can be sure that it gets finished and doesn’t get put off as the day grows busier. Additionally, morning meditation can be a pleasant way to begin the day because it sets you up for a rested, awake, and thoughtful day.

Daily Meditation: 7 Ways to Make It a Habit

Meditate at the same time, in the same spot, whenever you like. 

If you are unable to meditate in the morning, try to commit to doing so every day at the same time and location. To create a long-lasting habit, make your practice a regular part of your daily routine.

Consider the setting creatively. 

For consistency, it is advised that you do your daily meditation practice in the same location. But there are occasions when it’s just not feasible. The best part of meditation is that it can be done anywhere, including at work, at home, in a park, and even while strolling through a crowded airport. Anywhere that you can find stillness and are unbothered is fine for it to happen.


Don’t sit cross-legged (if you don’t think it’s comfortable). 

Character listening to guided meditation. Forget the stereotypes of individuals sitting cross-legged during meditation; most people find that position to be distracting and uncomfortable. Finding the meditation position that is most comfortable for you is crucial (and if that just so happens to be one),

Find the job that suits you best. 

We have found that there are four positions for meditation that are most effective. It’s not necessary to sit up too straight against your will. Your thoughts will be too stiff if you are too upright. Most individuals find that sitting in a chair, on a sofa, or a couch with their feet flat on the floor, their arms at their sides, and a cushion or towel folded up underneath their backs to keep their backs naturally upright is the best position for meditation.

10 Top Tips for Establishing a Daily Meditation Practice | HuffPost Life

Small at first

While meditating every day is an excellent aim, you don’t have to start for 30 minutes (or longer) every day.

You might not feel particularly calm or mindful at first. Perhaps you’re not at all at ease. It’s okay though. Just commit to giving yourself five minutes to reflect. Don’t force it, but try to be intrigued about them.

Don’t worry if you never get to meditate for 30 minutes a day; even 10 or 15 minutes a day has advantages.


Identify the ideal moment.

You’ll discover that several sites suggest various “optimal” times to meditate. The best time to meditate is actually whenever you can make it work. You’ll probably only feel frustrated and reluctant to continue if you force yourself to meditate at a time that doesn’t fit well with your schedule and obligations. Instead, experiment with when you meditate to determine what seems most comfortable for you. That could occur first thing in the morning, just before going to sleep, during a hectic commute, or during your break at work. Try to stick to the time you choose, whatever it may be. Maintaining consistency can assist your new habit blend in with the rest of your regular activities.

How to Create a Daily Meditation Practice: 3 Tips from Jackie Stewart

Become at ease

You’ve probably seen pictures of individuals sitting in the traditional lotus pose for meditation. However, not everyone feels at ease in that posture, and it can be challenging to mediate while you’re in an uncomfortable position.Fortunately, there isn’t a specific position you need to take to meditate well. Instead, simply assume a comfortable, natural position that you can hold. Both lying down and sitting in a chair are just fine.

5 Tips For Starting A Meditation Practice - The Blissful Mind

Use a podcast or app for meditation.

Do you still have any questions regarding how to meditate?

Always consult your smartphone if you’re unsure. Nowadays, there is an app for almost anything, and meditation is no different.

Keep going

Don’t panic if meditation doesn’t appear to click for you at first; it takes time to develop a new habit.

Explore any challenges you’re facing with curiosity and an open mind rather than looking for excuses why you can’t continue with it. The difficulties you encounter when meditating can help you develop a more fruitful practice.

How To Practice Mindfulness Meditation - Mindful

Neither of these things precludes you from benefiting from meditation. It’s a positive thing to notice when your attention has wandered since it shows that awareness is something you’re growing into. Simply softly concentrate when this happens. You should eventually start to experience benefits if you maintain a regular meditation routine.