12 Ways to Move More in Everyday Life

Climb stairs

I know. You have probably heard this a gazillion times, and it is so boring. But there’s a reason why it’s one of the best pieces of advice. Choosing the stairs over the elevator raises your heart rate, aids in balance, and strengthens your lower extremities. You can even walk the stairs two at a time or perform heel lifts off the edge of a step if you’re feeling cheeky and have a few minutes. Your body and heart will appreciate you for not taking the elevator.

10 Ways to Move More Every Day, According to a Physical Therapist

Include strolling meetings

Schedule a walk for one call every day if you work from home or have switched to virtual conference calls.

Put your headphones on, tuck your phone in your pocket, and take a walk to find solutions to the world’s issues if you don’t need to be staring at a screen or spreadsheets. It’s a wonderful method to change up your everyday schedule. Bring your one-on-one meetings with you if you work in an office. The team will bond more when you walk together, and you might even come up with better ideas. According to research, walking improves mental clarity and creativity.

Squat down

I often receive strange stares for doing this, but hey, I’m a busy lady, and my time is valuable! Try walking lunges down the supermarket aisles while still hanging onto the cart when you’re out shopping. Depending on how long the aisles in your supermarket are, the cart provides a nice equilibrium point from which you may perform 10 to 20 lunges in one motion. Do it; it’s surprisingly enjoyable!

30 Ways to Move More Every Day - Avoid Dangers of Sitting

Lie down on a stability ball.

Replace your desk chair with a stability ball. You can do some light mobility stretches for your neck, pelvis, and spine while sitting on the ball, which can help alleviate back discomfort and improve posture.

To activate your core stabilizers, try moving your pelvis like a hula hoop and tucking and untucking it. You can also try seated marches or other exercises on the ball while working at your desk if you want to include some abdominal work.

Park a long way away.

While it’s important to stay cautious and aware of our surroundings, you might want to park further away from the entrance if you’re in a well-lit, secure location. Your daily step total can be increased by adding in a few minutes of walking time here and there.

16 Ways to Move More

Have extra sex

You’re welcome, of course. According to some older studies, sex burns calories at a rate of roughly 3.1 for women and 4.2 for men each minute (4Trusted Source).

So, even if it’s not the same as a brisk jog, having sex may make you sweat. Have fun, experiment, connect with your partner, and move more all while having fun.

Adopt a pet.

Volunteers are constantly needed to assist the local adoption agency and shelter. Visit the animal shelter with the family and offer to lead a couple of pets on walks.

Throw a party and dance

Play some music while the room’s furnishings are cleared away. You can carry out this task while sweeping, folding laundry, or preparing dinner.

A great approach to losing weight and improving balance and coordination is to dance. Additionally, you can include your kids in a game or competition. They should educate themselves on 80s rock, right? Get moving by turning on some ACDC or another song that makes you tap your feet.

30 Ways to Move More Every Day - Avoid Dangers of Sitting

Vary your game night.

Replace cards or board games with active games during your next family game night.

This list will help you remember: Musical chairs, hopscotch, jump rope, hula hoop competitions, limbo, kick the can, scavenger hunts, Twister, freeze dance, potato sack races, pin the tail on the donkey, etc. The games you enjoyed playing as a child are still enjoyable today.

These kinds of games can be played indoors or outdoors with players of any age. We all get sweaty and exhausted after playing Pin the Tail on the Donkey and Freeze Frame Dance Party with my family.

While watching TV, move around or stretch.

I realize that this goes against the spirit of “binge and chill,” but bear with me. While watching Netflix, you can go for a walk on the treadmill, ride a stationary bike, stretch on the floor, lift weights to improve your upper and entire body or perform Pilates. If you move throughout a 30-minute show while you watch it, that’s 30 minutes of exercise you weren’t getting before! If that seems like a decent place to start, you may even restrict it to when the commercials appear. Do some bodyweight exercises or even foam rolling as you watch your show by keeping your exercise equipment close to where you binge-watch. Bicep curls, tricep presses, or arm raises performed a few times with light hand weights will significantly improve your arm strength, posture, and general wellbeing. For women, who have a higher risk of osteoporosis, this is especially true. Add weightlifting to your program to maintain strong, healthy bones.

Spend one hour per day working out. 

I spend an hour each day working out. I work out at the gym three times a week and run three times a week, as I’ve previously mentioned. Even though I now take a day off every week, I’m searching for a decent stretching DVD that I can perform on the seventh day for an hour. Wander inside. The majority of health professionals advise that you walk at least 10,000 steps every day, or around 5 kilometers. You can walk those miles indoors, which is wonderful news. Walk inside if it’s raining, too hot, too cold, or you just don’t feel like leaving the house. You may get a lot of excellent walking exercise programs on Amazon.com.

30 Ways to Move More Every Day - Avoid Dangers of Sitting

Bring about modifications that promote motion

There are numerous things we may do at home and at work to motivate us to move around more throughout the day. Here are some recommendations.

Sit/stand desk: A desk that can be adjusted so that you can stand or sit at it allows you to change positions during the day. There are both new and old manual and electric desks available. Bring your laptop to a countertop or put it under some books if you don’t have or don’t want to get a sit/stand desk.

Sleep closer to the ground: Getting in and out of a bed that is on the floor or on a low platform requires more movement.