12 Non-Coffee Ways to Boost Your Energy

Caffeine is a tried and true tool for dragging yourself down, of course, but circulating an IV drip full of coffee all day is not very difficult. If you are looking for a new way to feel bright-eyed and have a green tail.

Resist your smartphone

Resist your smartphone

A Candy Crush game can give you a quick beat of fun, but it really won’t make you happy. “There is no evidence that the use of games and games increases energy levels,” said Tiffany Herlands, PsyD, an assistant professor of medical science at Columbia University Medical Center in New York City. “However, there is evidence that as we spend more time tied to electronics and the internet – and the distractions often associated with managing multiple emails, text messages, and sources at the same time – we are increasingly unable to use special attention, namely. disturbing information while directing our attention to a single task. ” Want to stay sharp? Stay offline.

Get out before bed – long before bed

Get out before bed - long before bed

“Using electronic devices before going to bed can seem like a daunting task and can lead to feelings of exhaustion and a lack of mental alertness,” adds Herlands. Researchers at Brigham and Boston Women’s Hospital found that people who used bed-reading e-readers had a harder time sleeping, lower levels of sleep-promoting hormones, and shorter REM sleep and delays — all lowering their consciousness. in the morning.

Straighten and stretch your limbs

Straighten and stretch your limbs

Taking as much space as possible is not a good idea, say, an underground road full of people. But studies have shown that a one-minute “power posture” (such as standing with your arms tied in front of you, or leaning on your legs fully extended) can increase testosterone and lower the stress hormone cortisol in both men and women. . This, in turn, increases feelings of strength and risk tolerance. In other words, to feel like a hero, just stand up like someone else.

Let the sun come in

Let the sun come in

If getting out of your bed sounds impossible, try leaving your curtains open or curtains. For decades scientists have known that exposure to the sun’s natural rays — that is, radiation — is an effective treatment for people suffering from seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Its benefits for improving mood and energy extend to those of us who adhere to the covers, too. “The biggest benefit from the morning light is setting your biological clock,” said Carl Bazil, MD, Ph.D., professor of neuroscience and director of the sleep department of the department of neurology at Columbia University Medical Center in New York City. Especially if you are frequently suffering from ‘jet lag’ (that is, sleeping too long on weekends, and then trying to get back on track), your body is ready to wake up later and have trouble sleeping at night. ”

Or edit your sunrise with a gadget

Sensitive sleepers who like to turn off the curtains in their bedrooms can still benefit from the morning light, thanks to slower alarms that mimic the rising sun; Philips Wake-up Light ($ 170; amazon.com), for example, shines within 30 minutes and fills your room with gold glow and natural sound of your choice. “Awakening alarms [set your blood clock as the sun does],” says Drs. Bazil, “but they have the advantage of not lighting the room at 5 a.m. at certain times of the year!”

Get a drink of rosemary

Get a drink of rosemary

Biochemists from the University of Northumbria in the UK suggest that the essential oils of the herb can improve brain power, according to a study presented at the 2013 British Psychological Society’s annual conference. Research studies in the room with the scent of rosemary were found to have 1, 8-cineole levels, a combination of organisms that researchers had previously linked to brain function, and better performance on word puzzles and memory tests than studies in a stench-free room. More research is needed to evaluate the potential benefits of rosemary as a medicinal agent — but for now, an attractive alternative to traditional aromatherapy.

Eat a protein-rich breakfast

Eat a protein-rich breakfast

Studies have shown that a healthy breakfast has a direct effect on children’s performance in school, and it is equally important for all of us. Our brains thrive on constant blood sugar levels and starting a day with protein sets the stage for maintaining that control.

Give yourself some fresh air

Give yourself some fresh air

If you find yourself nodding in the afternoon, try getting a little closer to A / C or lowering the thermostat by a few degrees. “It’s normal to feel drowsy when it’s warm, especially when you’re not moving,” he said. “But do not freeze it in such a way that you are not comfortable.”

Turn off your favorite song

Turn off your favorite song

According to a study published in the Journal of Music Therapy, the subjects who were instructed to sing reported that their music activity “significantly increased arousal and reduced arousal.” The deadly drum works, too; “rhythm tapping” has been shown to have the same effect.

Eat carrots

Eat carrots

Eating lots of vegetables can have a huge impact on your energy levels as they are rich in nutrients that act as fuel for your body. “We have to eat between nine and ten vegetables daily,” Kimszal said. “This may seem like a lot but only one portion in one cup per serving. This means that if you add three cups to each meal, you will be at the recommended level.”

Add chia seeds to your cereal

Add chia seeds to your cereal

“This diet packs fiber, protein, and healthy fats that will give you the energy you need in the morning,” explains Kimszal. Chia seeds have earned the nickname “superfood” because of their high content of nutrients, antioxidants, and Omega-3 fatty acids (more than salmon, per gram). They also give you a small power zip. And to find out more about foods that affect your health, check out More Foods That Can Help Protect You From Coronavirus.

Meditate for a few minutes

Meditate for a few minutes.

Sometimes the best thing you can do is feel refreshed and slowed down. Wait a few minutes to practice your breathing and concentrate with a little meditation. “Give yourself five minutes to breathe slowly and keep your breath-focused,” advises Hemingson. “If your mind wanders, just bring it back to your spirit. Amazingly, this can boost your mental capacity and prepare you for the day off.” And for more practical meditation on your mental health, see this New Study Provides Scientific Evidence That Meditation Can Help With Anxiety.

Write in the journal

Write in the journal

Sometimes the most effective way to increase your energy level without caffeine is not through anything you do with your body, but by reaching your brainpower. By writing down what is on your mind, you can better focus your energy and awaken your intelligence.