When is LASIK eye surgery performed and how much does it cost?

LASIK abbreviated as Laser in-situ keratomileusis is among the most prevalent vision correction procedures. Individuals with a refractive error or who are dealing with myopia or hyperopia should undergo the surgery. The cornea is reshaped to bring the light passing from the cornea to the retina into real focus. It is considered to be one of the treatments for reshaping the cornea. This treatment for eye surgery is of a short period and is considered to be quite safe. It is also known as refractive surgery and is divided into two categories: flap and non-flap procedures. It is a flap procedure that involves raising the corneal flap to eradicate the tissue beneath it.

Why LASIK Surgery?

  • It’s a painless and speedy treatment.
  • It is supposedly accurate because it is an entirely computer-guided procedure.
  • It produces long-lasting and significant outcomes.
  • It reduces the need for spectacles or contact lenses.
  • The healing process is quick. In reality, with certain precautions for the treated eye, one can return to normal life the next day.
  • It lessens the need for eyeglasses to correct vision.
  • Approximately 90% of patients can get their intended vision.
  • Years later, changes to further rectification of the vision could be made.
  • After the LASIK treatment, no sutures or bandages are necessary.

Pre-Surgery Instructions

Before undergoing a laser refractive surgery operation, you must follow specific procedures. In particular, 2 weeks before surgery, you really shouldn’t wear your contact lenses; it is because they change the curvature of the cornea, and the cornea must regain its previous shape before surgery. You must also avoid wearing cosmetics for a few days before surgery to reduce the chance of infections in the eye.

The procedure of LASIK Surgery

  1. The surgeon starts by putting anesthetic eye drops in the patient’s eye.
  2. The second step is to make a protective flap so that the inner corneal tissue can be accessed. The patient’s eyesight becomes fuzzy for a minute at this moment. After the flap is created, the patient can see the flashing fixation laser light.
  3. The computer-controlled pulses of cold laser light are subsequently sent to the patient. While altering the inner corneal layer of the eye, the laser light is not visible but generates a clicking sound. The surgeon uses eye-tracking technology to see how the eye moves to assure proper correction.
  4. The flap is then aligned and repositioned to its original place by the surgeon. The flap will heal on its own within a few hours. To prevent any rubbing, the surgeon drapes a protective cover over the patient’s eye.

Risks involved in LASIK Surgery

  • LASIK surgery reduces tear yield for a short time. Your eyes could feel uncommonly dry for the first six months or so after surgery as they heal. The quality of your vision can be harmed by dry eyes. Eyedrops for dry eyes may be recommended by your eye doctor. If you have severely dry eyes, you may need to have special plugs inserted into your tear ducts to keep your tears from draining away from your eyes’ surface.
  • If the laser eliminates insufficient tissue from your eye, the outcomes will not be as brilliant as you hoped. Nearsighted folks are more likely to have under corrections. In a year, you might require another LASIK treatment to remove additional tissue.
  • The laser may eliminate quite so much tissue from your eye, resulting in an overcorrection. Overcorrections may be more difficult to remedy than under corrections.
  • Jagged tissue loss might result in astigmatism. Further surgery, glasses, or contact lenses may be required.
  • Problems with the flaps. Following surgery, folding back or withdrawing the flap from the front of your eye can result in issues such as infection and excessive tears. During the recovery process, the external corneal tissue layer might develop improperly beneath the flap.
  • When your vision gradually returns to your original medication, this is known as regression. This is a less prevalent problem.
  • Alteration in vision or loss of vision are surgical complications that can cause eyesight loss in rare cases. Certain people may not be able to see as brightly or clearly as they formerly did.
  • LASIK eye surgery is a complicated procedure, and if the surgeon performing the procedure does not correctly form the flap, it might result in irreversible vision loss. As a result, it is usually a good idea to have the procedure performed by an established surgeon at a reputable eye hospital.

Post LASIK Surgery Instructions

  1. Avoid rubbing your eyes.
  2. For a week, don’t wear any eye makeup.
  3. Do not splash running water in your eyes.
  4. Take a break from the pool.
  5. For a whole week, avoid a high-intensity workout. Do some eye exercises instead.
  6. When leaving the house, every time wear sunglasses.
  7. For the first week after surgery, don’t wash your hair or take a shower.
  8. While bathing, avoid getting water in your eyes.

How much does LASIK surgery costs?

People considering LASIK eye surgery are most concerned about the overall cost of the treatment. In India, the expense of laser or Lasik eye surgery can range from 20,000 to 80,000 INR, based on the hospital. The following elements have a significant impact on the price:

  • The required level of vision correction
  • Utilization of technology
  • The hospital and surgeon’s fees
  • Your prescription: The more serious your vision problem is, the more money it will cost to repair it.
  • The type of LASIK surgery you’ve had: Standard LASIK, which employs a blade and is an older method of performing the surgery, may be less expensive than the more recent “all laser” (blade-free) LASIK.

Laser eye surgery is great for people who are blessed enough to have no adverse effects after the procedure. However, the above-mentioned risks, as well as the precautions you should consider before surgery, will keep you safe. Ultimately, your vision is far too vital to take any chances with it.